Thứ Tư, 14 tháng 12, 2011

Novel Reflection

the boook that i just finish is call twilight by Stephenie Meyer. The setting of this book is at Seattle, Fork high School mostly. The plot of this book is sbout that Isabella Going to high school and meet up with Edward, they fall in love with each other. Soon later Bella found out that Edward really an vampire. After several days, Edward take Bella to meet his family then they found out that there a tracker that could harm bella so Edward toook her to hide.i realy like this book because it is a romance story mix with vampire, one thing i dislike about the book is they talk too much. i would recommanded this book to people that love romantic story and terrifying vampire action.

Thứ Ba, 6 tháng 12, 2011

Keoko Book

I like the book when my name was Keoko because it a non fiction book, it told us clearly what was happening to the Korean when the Japanese invaded, how the Japanese make the Korean speak their language follow their rule and it told me about how the war between Japanese and the American was like. I also like the book because it is so adventurous when Tae-yul volunteer to do a mission that will cost him his life but then the book told me that he doing that to save UNCLE. I really like the part that Omoni is really surprise to see that Tae-yul is alive because she think Tae-yul is dead and she cry alot, that was very emotional and I also like when the school that Sun-hee go to doesn't teach them anything but only show them how bad the American was and teach how to fight

Thứ Tư, 30 tháng 11, 2011

Novel Reflection

The book that i just finish is call Erase and it a really good book about a boy name Nick Connor, his life is being ruined by some kind of alien that look just like human but they have special power. They had erase human memories even Connor family too .each of them had different power. they say that they been kick out of human society long time ago now they seeking for revenge. Connor is trying to find out what they really wanna do and stop them from harming his family. i recommanded this book to everybody because i think it a really good book, really interesting and you should try it
What I can visualize when I read when my name was Keoko is that I can feel how tail feel when he know he was given a job that nobody want, a suicide bomber, I can see that tail is really excited that he can fly on an air plane and scared because that mean he going to die. I can see tail’s face is also really upset because if he don't volunteer, the Japanese will see that the Korean are cowards so he had to volunteer to not embarrass his country.

Thứ Năm, 17 tháng 11, 2011

Novel Reflection

The book that i've read is call the Saga of Darren Shan. It the book that have 3 stories in it the vampire Prince, Vampire Mountain and Hunter of the dusk. i had already read Hunter of the dusk to a just read the other 2. in this book Darren after being blooded as half vampire he finally came to the vampire mountain. one day he saw his friend Kurda Smalht are with the vampaneze and kill the vampire general Gavern. Then after that Darren run back to the hall of prince and reported what happen to the general and that Kurda is the traitor. The Hall Of Prince decided to kill Kurda, but they don't know that Kurda trying to save the vampire clan from the rise of the vampaneze lord. i recommand this book to people that like scary vampire story like me and i think they should choose this book because it have 3 stories in a book so you dont have to borrow 3 book at a time

Thứ Tư, 2 tháng 11, 2011

Novel Reflection

my named Vampirates. it is about the twin that there father died on the ocean, so they want to set sail like there father but unfortuantelywhen they out on the sea, the storm blew them away. then each of them being rescue by a different ship. Cornor is on the normal pirate ship, but Grace she is on a ship full of vampire. the vampirate ship. i don't recomanded this book because sometime it really bored, they talk too much

Thứ Ba, 1 tháng 11, 2011


1. Who is Mrs.Ahn? Mrs.Ahn is a woman with unfortunate life, people thinks she i bad luck becasue her husban divorced her, then she come home to live with her parent but then her parent died too so now she was alone. that's why people consider Mrs.Ahn is bad luck

2. What did Omoni feel for Mrs.Ahn? Omoni feel sorry for Mrs,Ahn because she already had a bad life now the japanese make her speak in japanese but she don't know how 

Thứ Ba, 27 tháng 9, 2011

The best book I’ve ever read

The best book I’ve ever read

          The best book I have ever read is name Dragon Ball Z. I  can assume that this is a really great graphic novel. When you open the first page or look at the front cover of the book, I sure that you will be interest in it immediately. To me I think this is the best series novel I have ever read because I love the plot, the picture and the ACTION, I think this book is amazing and fantastic.

          The Dragon Ball Z series had a really interesting plot, it about a super hero name Son GoKu and a lot of his friend trying to fight back the power of invaders from other plannet. Goku had to face all sorts of evil power, but everytime someone trying to take over the Earth, he defeat them and save the earth. Another things that make the book really great is the line of each character, it’s really funny, easy to understand and it so interesting that I can’t stop reading.. The last and the most important things that made Dragon Ball Z amazing is the illustration. The pictures that the author illustrate help me see what the characters is look like and it help me get better understanding when I’m reading. I think you should try this book

          I like the way that the author Akira Toriyama draw the character, I like it the way he drew the villains. They look nice and it really show their evilness when I look at it and the good guy, they do not look evil they look really nice and mighty, that’s what I like about the author’s style of drawing.. The Dragon Ball Z series is the best  I ever read, althought it on have to volume 26.

Thứ Năm, 8 tháng 9, 2011

The book i am reading right now

the book that i'm reading right now is actually 3 story put together in one book. those story are the blurred man, the french confection and i know what you did last wednesday. the story that i'm working on right now is the blurred man, it about a really bad private detector that do without thinking. now he on a case that about the owner of the charity Dream Time is dead by run over by a steamroller Lenny Smile. in the other 2 story it also about Mr. Tim Diamond the worst detector on his case too. i think this book is really make me nervous to see what will happen next and i really like it